Greta Snider

Greta Snider started making movies in 1989. She is currently teaching in the Cinema Department at San Francisco State University. She is particularly interested in experimental nonfiction, and exploring the boundaries between documentary and document. She has made nonfiction works in film, video, flash game, audio CD, slide show, and microfiche.

Project Statement: This piece is inspired by the sensory deprivation strategies developed and nurtured in Guantanamo, that have become a staple in treatment of international detainees. (In their specially designed mobile ear coverings and blindfolds, detainees are flown from place to place for interrogation in countries that have few restrictions on torture.) This piece explores the inner dialogues of such an experience. What would we experience from inside of this kind of cocoon, where time is measured in breaths and heartbeats? Ghostly images, fragments of memory, and motifs of flight—both freeing and terrifying—form the basis of this piece.

Performance with film and slides with sound
15 min